Sealed bids will be received by the Perry Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) at the Perry Township Administration Building, 3740 Center Road Perry, Ohio 44081; up to the hour of 11:00 AM Local Time on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, and read publicly thereafter in the Trustees’ Chambers at the above address, for the following improvement project:
Perry Park Road Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Base Bid Engineer’s Estimate of Cost: $1,885,000.00
Said improvements shall be in accordance with specifications and proposal forms on file with the Perry JEDD and Northeast Blueprint. The Bid Package may be purchased from the Office of Northeast Blueprint, 1230 East 286th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44132, 216-261-7500,, during weekday business hours from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Checks shall be made payable to Northeast Blueprint.
Prospective Bidders must purchase a Bidder’s Package (1 specification book with 22x34 drawings) for $75.00, exclusive of shipping charges, in order to be considered a BIDDER. PAYMENT FOR PACKAGES WILL NOT BE REFUNDED.
The work covered by the plans and specifications includes but is not limited to: Installation of an 18” gravity sanitary sewer along Perry Park Road. Installation of a 10” forcemain along Perry Park Road and Clark Road. Installation of a lift station on the Teen Challenge Property on Perry Park Road. Work under this contract shall be substantially completed by August 29, 2025, with all work completed by October 17, 2025.
Proposals shall be addressed to the Perry Joint Economic Development District, Perry Township Administration Building, 3740 Center Road, Perry, Ohio 44081, and marked “Perry Park Road Sanitary Sewer Improvements”.
Any questions shall be submitted in writing to Jeff Henfling, P.E. at Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc., 6150 Parkland Blvd, Suite 115, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124,, 440-544-1517 by 11:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
Pursuant to R.C. 153.54 et. seq., the bid must be accompanied by an original sealed document in the form of a bond for the full amount (100%) of the bid, OR by a certified check, cashier’s check, or irrevocable letter of credit equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount bid, drawn on a solvent bank located in Lake County and payable to the Perry Joint Economic Development District, as surety that if the proposal is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. Should any bid be rejected said surety shall forthwith be returned to the bidder and should any bid be accepted such bid bond, certified check, cashier’s check, or letter of credit will be returned to the bidder upon proper execution and securing of the contract.
No bidder shall be considered a responsive and responsible bidder or eligible to be awarded the contract to which this Notice or Bid Specifications apply, if the bidder is listed on the Auditor of State’s Database as having a “Finding of Recovery” as that term is defined in R.C. 9.24.
Bids shall be subject to the conditions that the right is reserved to hold bids for a period not longer than sixty (60) days after date of bid opening and/or to award the contract at any time during said period.
The successful bidder will be required to execute the contract within ten (10) days after the award of the work to him/her, and he/she shall furnish acceptable bond or surety, if not filed previously to the satisfaction of the Perry Joint Economic Development District for the faithful performance of said contract in the sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount of the bid. In case of failure to execute the contract as stated or to furnish bond and/or surety, the bidder shall be considered to have abandoned the contract and is then liable for the difference between his/her bid and the next lowest bid, not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount bid.
The JEDD reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to increase or decrease or omit any item or items, to award to the lowest and/or best bidder, and/or to waive formalities. Each bid must contain the full name of every person or company interested in the same.
Wage Rates – Each employee employed by the contractor or any subcontractor and engaged in work on the project under this contract shall be paid prevailing wage rates for Public Improvements as provided by the appropriate Sections of the Ohio Revised Code. For further information, contact OBES Wage and Hour Division (614) 644-2239 or contact the Perry JEDD Prevailing Wage Coordinator (440) 259-5140. This shall occur regardless of any contractual relationship which may be said to exist between the contractor or any subcontractor and such employee.
Bidders shall adhere to, and shall not cause the JEDD to, violate the requirements of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund and the Final Rules promulgated thereto by the U.S. Department of Treasury, and the requirements of all further guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury, or other applicable federal agency, including, without limitation, all applicable federal procurement guidelines and the Lake County, Ohio ARP Procurement Policy.
Bidders may also access this Legal Notice to Bidders via the internet at:
Robert Dawson – Perry JEDD Chairman
Karen Sundy – Perry JEDD Fiscal Officer